Wednesday 27 April 2011

How to stop palazzo pants looking like pyjama bottoms...

...because let's face it, they do look a bit like nightwear don't they? And it doesn't help that most of them are covered in ditsy floral prints in bright colours like orange and aquamarine blue because that makes them look like pyjama bottoms even more. And if you've only got little legs like mine, you're in even more danger of looking like you've just got up, or as my mum used to say, "like a sack of potatoes". Here are a few hints I've picked up to help a fashionista pull off palazzo's with aplomb.

1. Be canny with your choice of footwear. Avoid flat pumps and trainers because they'll make you look like you're ready to veg out in front of Come Dine with Me. Instead, stick to high wedges which are very this season

2. Let your palazzo pants do the talking. In other words, keep the rest of your look neutral, particularly if your palazzo's are brightly coloured (which most of them are this season). A simple white t-shirt tucked in is perfect.

3. Balance out the wide legs by wearing a fitted top or vest that finishes on the hips (or can be tucked in). They may be comfy, but looser styles of top will only add bulk.

4. If you've got little legs like me, busy prints will only swamp you. Stick to simple, elegant designs, preferably on a dark backdrop of black, brown, navy or grey.

5. Make sure they fit you. Sounds obvious but if they're too baggy, too long or sit high on the waist they won't be very flattering. Bundle them off to the dry cleaners if you can alter them; otherwise exchange them for more suitable pair.

In fact, my palazzo trousers are currently being altered by the lovely chaps at Superwash as I type this. As soon as they are ready to be unleashed to the world, I'll post a pic.

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