Tuesday 26 April 2011

Peckham Rye

During our mosey around Carnaby Street on Saturday we stumbled upon a tiny menswear accessories shop called Peckham Rye. Inside was a treasure trove of beautiful silk ties, pocket handkerchiefs, quirky bow ties, Hilditch & Key shirts and more. But probably the best thing about it was its owner, Martin, who happily spent a good 20 minutes chatting to us about the store and it's history.

Martin told us that Peckham Rye (cockney rhyming slang for tie) began life with a gentleman's tailor called Charles McCarthy in the early eighteenth century in Peckham Rye, South East London. McCarthy was in fact the great great grandfather of Martin himself, and the shop walls are covered with black and white photographs of him, his family and subsequent generations of the family.

The company caters to the discernible gent who appreciates impeccable quality, skilled craftsmanship and a strong sense of British tradition. Most of the ties and scarves are still woven and made in Britain, something that is rarely found today. It was very inspiring to talk to someone who is so passionate about quality and the great British heritage the company is part of.

Here is the Peckham Rye website: http://www.peckhamryelondon.com/index.php 

Peckham Rye's information card

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